
Winter Words: serene

I recently met up with Allison, creator of the awesome blog 24:00, to discuss a project we could collaborate on this winter since we both struggle with finding inspiration during these months of short days and little light, so we came up with Winter Words. We picked a list of words that remind us of winter and each week we'll independently take a photo to represent that word and post them together on our blogs. This week's word is serene. My photo is one the right and Allison's is on the left (click on the photo to see a bigger image).

I'm really excited to see how this project pans out and hopefully it will help motivate me to keep taking photos even when I'm not feeling inspired. Are you guys doing any projects this winter?


  1. congratulations to your winter diptych project with Allison, she is such a good photographer. And nice concept for winter project too.

  2. oh i see! you are the other half of this project. well this is surely a treat! thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a lovely comment. i will surely be watching this project unfold. :)

  3. Looks like a great project! These days are so short that coming back from work I have little luck to take a single picture!
    Have a nice week!

  4. Love this idea for a project! My best friend gave me a book for Christmas called, A Year of Mornings: 3191 Miles Apart, in which two friends take a photo each morning and the photos are paired on each page. Reminds me of this.
